The Ethics of Touch Test Bank

Create your own unique tests, quizzes, or worksheets for The Ethics of Touch, choosing from a variety of question types for all chapters. Page numbers are provided for easy reference later for in-class discussions. (Please consult with your campus IT team for any LMS questions or concerns). Our PDF and Word document files below provide […]

Functional Anatomy for Occupational Therapy Test Bank

Create tests or quizzes with this streamlined Test Bank.  Select from over 2000 questions about content in Functional Anatomy for Occupational Therapy. (Please consult with your campus IT team for any LMS questions or concerns). Question types include: identifying structures using the text’s illustrations multiple choice questions fill-in-the-blank questions Our PDF and Word document files […]

Trail Guide to the Body Test Bank

Build tests or quizzes in just a few clicks with ExamView® Test Banks. These customizable assessment tools can work independently or alongside of Moodle, Blackboard, and other course management systems. Select from over 2,000 questions from lessons in Trail Guide to the Body. Question types include identifying structures using the textbook's illustrations; multiple choice questions; matching questions; crossword puzzles; and word finds.