Kinesiology Textbooks

If you’re passionate about understanding the intricate mechanics of human movement, look no further than Trail Guide to Movement. Written by Andrew Biel, the acclaimed author of Trail Guide to the Body, this textbook offers a captivating journey into the study of kinesiology. With its step-by-step approach and engaging writing style, it makes the complex topic of human movement accessible and enjoyable for students.

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Build the Body from Scratch

Instead of dissecting the body into smaller, isolated pieces, Trail Guide to Movement takes a unique approach. It invites readers to actively participate in building the body from scratch, emphasizing the interconnectedness of its various components. By understanding the key structures for movement, such as connective tissue, joints, muscles, and nerves, students gain a comprehensive foundation for exploring the mechanics of human motion.

Biomechanical Principles at Play

Throughout the book, Biel incorporates biomechanical principles to deepen the reader’s understanding. These principles provide a framework for analyzing and comprehending the complex interactions within the body during different types of movement. From walking to running, lifting to bending, every action becomes an opportunity to delve into the mechanics of the human body.

Unravel the Secrets of Posture and Gait

One of the highlights of Trail Guide to Movement is its exploration of posture and gait. By applying the knowledge acquired earlier in the book, students gain insights into the intricate balance and coordination required for efficient and functional movement. Biel’s engaging writing style, combined with the use of illustrations by Robin Dorn, brings these concepts to life, making them memorable and relatable.

Reinforce Your Knowledge

To reinforce the knowledge gained throughout the book, Trail Guide to Movement includes over 100 review questions at the end. These questions provide an opportunity for self-assessment and further consolidation of key concepts. Students can test their understanding and track their progress as they navigate through the fascinating world of human movement.

Complimentary Study Tools

As an additional benefit, students who purchase Trail Guide to Movement gain access to complimentary study tools available in the student resource section. These resources further enhance the learning experience and support students in their exploration of kinesiology.

Embark on an Exciting Journey

Whether you’re a student aspiring to understand the intricacies of human movement or an instructor seeking a comprehensive and engaging textbook for your class, Trail Guide to Movement is a valuable resource. With its innovative approach, comprehensive coverage, and captivating writing style, it’s no wonder this textbook has received accolades, including the gold medal in the PubWest Book Design Awards.

Unlock the Secrets of Human Motion

Embark on an exciting journey of discovery with Trail Guide to Movement and unlock the secrets of human motion. Delve into the interconnectedness of the body’s structures, explore the principles of biomechanics, and gain a deeper understanding of posture and gait. With this comprehensive resource at your side, the study of kinesiology becomes a fascinating and rewarding experience.

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ISBN: 978-0-9987850-5-9